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New Perspective

Life comes in seasons. It can be hard to notice the changes, but every once in a while, a reminder comes along.

Apple announced their final update to the Intel 27” iMac last week. I’ve had my iMac for six years and I absolutely love it. It still works just fine, with a few minor exceptions. I have to use external hard drives, it can be a little slow with iMovie, iCloud often needs a full restart to sync, and sometimes Parallels lags. Upgrading my Mac would be totally reasonable, and in a different time of my life, not even really much of a discussion.

I saw the news come out, and I eagerly read about all of the upgrades. I hopped onto and priced out a model. Then, I moved on.

It’s a nice upgrade, but I want different things these days. I have different priorities. I simply added it to my list and moved on with my life. It my machine was really hurting, it’d be a different discussion. Instead, it simply landed on my “nice to have” list and I went about my day. Maybe sometime next year.

It’s nice to get these little reminders that I’m growing and maturing.

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