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Keystone XL Oil Project Abandoned by Developer - WSJ

It is a win for environmentalists who have campaigned to block new pipeline construction as a way to limit oil consumption that contributes to global warming.

We are on a bullet train to human misery with nothing but artist renderings and fanciful government problems to save us from reality.

Natural gas killed coal because of the free market.

Now we’re somehow supposed to use zero fossil fuels in 29 years when almost no cars are full EV, there’s no plan for increasing the stable installed capacity of the power grid, there are no electric trucks, no electric busses, no electric trains, no electric planes, and no electric weapons of war.

Also, where are we going to dispose of all of these fossil fueled vehicles and machines when they’re replaced?

Meanwhile, our stated rivals in Russia and China are all too happy to watch their archenemy and the guarantor of global peace and security voluntarily cripple itself.

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